Membership Meeting (March 2025)

  • March 17, 2025
  • 11:45 AM - 1:15 PM
  • Auer Steel – Training Center (865 Xenium Ln N | Plymouth, MN 55441)
  • 34



Membership Meeting

Monday, March 17, 2025

11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. (Lunch Provided)

Auer Steel – Training Center

865 Xenium Ln N  |  Plymouth, MN 55441

Topics Include

How Can YOU Use Artificial Intelligence in YOUR Business

Health Care Benefits

MHCA Update and Program Calendar

Open Forum – Codes, Permits, Inspections

And More…

$10.00 for MHCA Members

$30.00 for Non-MHCA Members


Why Attend This Program?

One of the things that MHCA does at each Board of Directors meeting is to talk about what’s happening in our industry – whether locally, at the state level, or at the national level.  One Director commented that with so much going on, these Board meetings are vitally important to making better, more informed business decisions.  And then the light bulb came on in our head!

We decided, right then, to expand the discussion to include ALL of our members and potential members in these discussions.  We wanted to widen the circle – to share with more people and to learn from others who have their own insights to share.  One idea.  One conversation.  One new contact.  Just one, and you could make/save your company thousands of dollars.

What You Can Expect

We’re going to bring in guests to lead some of the discussions and Directors will lead others.  The idea is for all of us to learn, but to recognize that learning happens not only in the seminars we host, but in the quality discussions that we have.  None of these topics would likely be two or three hours to be a seminar, but every one of them is vitally important to our businesses

Future Plans

And this isn’t a one-and-done effort.  We’re planning quarterly meetings covering new topics – like effects of tariffs, and how supply chains may be affected by a trade war.  We’ll talk about changes in employment laws.  We’ll talk about utility/government rebates and incentives.  And we’ll talk about whatever else YOU want to talk about.  All we ask is that you let us know what topics would help YOUR business by sharing ideas with you HVAC peers.

Space is limited to 40 attendees 

Minnesota Heating & Cooling Association

5625 Xerxes Ave N, Suite C   Box # 167

Brooklyn Center, MN  55430

P - 888/782-6815 l F - 888/287-4116

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